Our Leadership
Our leaders are community ambassadors who work tirelessly to help us raise funds for patient care.

Board of Directors

Holly Simmons
(Chair & President)
Thinking Partner
Golden Lasso

Jon Jurus
(Vice Chair)
Regional Director
IG Wealth Management

Reginald Swamy
(Past Chair)
Managing Partner
Pioneer Lane Group

John McKenzie
(Treasurer)Chief Executive Officer
TMX Group

Maria Artuso
Vice President Commercial Financial Services
Greater Hamilton Market and Commercial Centre
Royal Bank of Canada

Jessica Durka
Investment Advisor
BMO Wealth Management
BMO Nesbitt Burns

Dr. Sébastien J. Hotte
Medical Oncologist
Hamilton Health Sciences

Amit Kapur
Board Member
Hamilton Health Sciences

John Lewis‍
Partner, Business Law Group
Ross & McBride LLP

Tracey MacArthur        
President & CEO
Hamilton Health Sciences

Dr. Paul Miller
Regional Medical Director (CPER), Centre for Paramedic Education and Research/ Emergency Physician, Hamilton Health Sciences

Doug Murray
Senior Vice President
Colliers International

Jane Percival
Chief Privacy Officer and Associate General Counsel
BMO Financial Group

David Vander Ploeg
Executive Vice President, Business Development
Direct Response Media Group

Jim Wilson
Vice President, Sales Representative
Lennard Commercial Realty, Brokerage

Foundation Management

Anissa Hilborn, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer
905-521-2100 ext. 44811

David Kraulis, CPA, CA
Vice President, Finance
905-521-2100 ext. 44385

Tracey Lamb, CFRE
Director, Business Intelligence
905-521-2100 ext. 44243

Milaina Wright
Director, Partnerships
905-521-2100 ext. 47001

Naoka Feth
Director, Office of the CEO
905-521-2100 ext. 44249

Michelle Peters
Vice President
Marketing & Communications

905-521-2100 ext. 43744

Laura Gawley
Director, Research Philanthropy
905-521-2100 ext. 74726

Conor Tapp
Director, Philanthropy & Campaigns
905-521-2100 ext. 74714

Sherri Bocchini, CFRE
Vice President, Philanthropy and Partnerships
905-521-2100 ext. 75977

Amy Wright
Vice President, Brand Strategy
905-521-2100 ext. 47005

Dennis Harrington
Creative Director
905-521-2100 ext. 47002

Laurie Towns
Director, Donor and Information Services
905-521-2100 ext. 44267